My Bestfriend

 My Bestfriend


          It was a very bad day for me. From morning to evening, everything went right opposite to me. At that time I had no good friends who talk to me and help me to come out of sorrow. It was 7 in the evening and came out of the school. To my surprise, I got to see my best friend!! The one from a different school whom I missed badly. I just went to her and tears rolled. I could not control myself, as I was feeling lonely without good friends in my life to share my feelings. The best thing that happened to me is my best friend  SRIHITHA. She is very cute and sweet who always stood by my side to support me. 

                           From the day I met her she is always there for me. I met her that bad and it turned into a good day. from then I got in touch with her. To date we are very close even though we met 3 years ago, don't even have a picture together, don't have beautiful moments as others have. But her presence in my life itself is a blessing to me.

 I dedicate this quote to her.....
              True friends never leave....
               True friendship never breaks...

     We may have many friends, but we look for that one friend with whom we can share everything.


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