My E-cell family

 In our E-cell family,we follow the best principles.Which makes us feel comfortable and confident to take up the new projects and interact with people.

   We believe that everything happens for a reason,can you imagine how this sentence changed my life? I believe in "expecting the best and be prepared for the worst" which made my life simple and easier.

       I learn many things in a day, everything teaches us something.The most important is that we should be conscious of everything and learn from that. 

       To say about me, I can differentiate myself as Supraja before and after being a part of E-cell.In E-cell, we come across many ideas and our ability to think increases.I am a new version of myself now and I am going to be the best version soon.


  1. Wow...! Amazingly inspiring Supraja...!πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ

  2. Nice Supraja!! Keep writing!! I want to read more.

  3. Like your " should be conscious of everything and learn ". So profound. Doing this enriches you every minute and you have rich experience!

  4. Great attitude Supraja and beautifully expressed. Keep sharing your inspiring thoughts with us. Best wishes.


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