

                                    TRUST      FATHER!!! how could you always make me feel secure when I am with you. I am not at all afraid to get onto your bike to travel.......... But when I went with my cousin I was terrified, I thought it is because it is the first time I went ....... To my surprise, I was afraid 😥 when I went with my brother. The one I love the most 💙  This fear is because  we start our day with news of horrible accidents and the unimaginary situation there. But what made me trust my father !!! Everything starts from the moment we hold our father hand❤ That bond ...That trust  This trust, which makes a father superhero.. Those beautifu days,     holding dad's hand while walking    waiting for dad to come from his work    enjoying every moment which we spent with our dad  A father is a mentor, friend, supporter, guide,coach.... We belive in our parents very much When it comes to a father-daughter relation, i can say lucky peope are those who can talk to thei

My Bestfriend

 My Bestfriend                 It was a very bad day for me. From morning to evening, everything went right opposite to me. At that time I had no good friends who talk to me and help me to come out of sorrow. It was 7 in the evening and came out of the school. To my surprise, I got to see my best friend!! The one from a different school whom I missed badly. I just went to her and tears rolled. I could not control myself, as I was feeling lonely without good friends in my life to share my feelings. The best thing that happened to me is my best friend   SRIHITHA. She is very cute and sweet who always stood by my side to support me.                             From the day I met her she is always there for me. I met her that bad and it turned into a good day. from then I got in touch with her. To date we are very close even though we met 3 years ago, don't even have a picture together, don't have beautiful moments as others have. But her presence in my life itself is a blessing to


 UNCOMMON ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF COMMON PEOPLE...... This is not just a book, this is something which connects us to the common people who has special stories and became inspiration for many people around them. This book made me an author, which is one of my childhood dream. As we mentioned in one of the stories, *don't worry about your childhood dreams and age is not the limit.* We can connect ourselves to the stories and learn something from each story. This book taught me many things.... ~How to speak to elders and respect their achievements. ~ How to write a story in effective way. ~ Friendship- the best part of my journey with this book. I got a good friend who can understand me and support me. I can say,this book is a best opportunity to show the world that we care common people and their stories are inspiring. We search for motivational stories but fails to recognize the people around us and their accomplishments. Every mother, father, brother, sister...... Inspires us with thei

My E-cell family

 In our E-cell family,we follow the best principles.Which makes us feel comfortable and confident to take up the new projects and interact with people.    We believe that everything happens for a reason,can you imagine how this sentence changed my life? I believe in  " expecting the best and be prepared for the worst" which made my life simple and easier.        I learn many things in a day, everything teaches us something.The most important is that we should be conscious of everything and learn from that.         To say about me, I can differentiate myself as Supraja before and after being a part of E-cell.In E-cell, we come across many ideas and our ability to think increases.I am a new version of myself now and I am going to be the best version soon.